The TRUE Moon Face

''Author's Note: Well, this is just a parody of a [ friend's creepypasta]. Of course this is going to be absolute trash but give his a chance, it's a good read''.
Every day, I would have flashbacks to the creature, that soiled entity with one winking eye staring down at me. I remembered it for as long I've been alive. A constant stifling phobia, making it hard for me NOT to be drenched in my own excrement every night, feeling like I'm always swimming in my own skivvies. I can still remember a time before my bathroom needs went unaddressed, however, It was all so long ago.
Many months ago to be exact, when I still lived with my parents, I loved visiting the circus, and every year my mom and dad would take me to see it.  Yes, it was a odd sight for a 28 year old man to be carried out when the clown became too scary, but I enjoyed every other bit of it. Watching the performers who no doubt had more lives then I did, even if they spent sixty or so percent of it trapped in RVs. 
So, as usual, when I became aware that the circus was coming to town. I naturally begged for money and a ride to go to it. Of course, with my limited mind, I forgot to ask if they would come with me as I was aware of how loud I cried when those damnable clowns came out. However, I was able to persuade my older sister (A business woman or some shit, I never pay attention to things that aren't me.) to accompany me this year. 
To be honest, I could tell she hated the fuck out of me, because she told me word for word to my face. Still, we had a good bond with me borrowing her car from time to time to try and impress Ms.Garrison from across the street. That old bag would never be ready for

the python

( the python being my dick by the way).
Anyways, she agreed out of a need to try and talk some "mature" into me. Now, I may have spent the last five years of my life attached to a computer screen, but I know how to be mature-ititic (Which is a word LOOK IT UP.) Still, free tickets to see tigers and lions maybe getting it on in front of a crowd? Hell yeah, I was in.
The day we left for the circus was not really a day, because it was night. Describing night would be like describing the color black to a blind guy: I.E. It was fucking dark. Still, when we reached the place, I remember seeing that familiar red and white striped tent with the warm yellow glow inside. "''Yeah''" I thought to myself. "''There's totally some fucking going on in there.''"
Getting out of the car and into the line, I clutched my sister's hand all giddy-like, doing my best to not make it look like I was into her. Gotta play it cool and coy after-all. I slowly looked around at all the kids waiting for their tickets with their parents, a little girl caught my eye as she was eating some cotton candy.
She looked at me, a flirtatious look in her eyes, or it could have been contempt. Either one worked. "What?"
I pointed at the little girl and her candy. "I'd hit that."
My sis made a disgusted sound, grabbing my collar and whirring her fist back to pop me one in front of the attendant. I immediately held up my hand, as if that would have stopped my nose from being broken. "No, wait. I meant the cotton candy...It's so fluffy pleasedonthitmekthx!"
She huffed, letting me go as she paid for two tickets and entering. Of course, I was right behind her, trying to hide a growing something in my pants. Damn that pink fluffy tease.
Finding our seats was easy enough, they were near the ground or the "Action Pit" as I like to call it. Still something felt off, and it wasn't my ever hardening stiffy (when they say more than four hours, boy do they mean it). Ignoring the feeling, I played the good ole "yawning and moving your arm around your lady" trick, which was an astounding success until I tried for first base. Needless to say, I got my nose broken, however, I also got my first handful of boob. So, you know....It was pretty even.
I sat there, nursing both my broken nose and mind-boggling hard-on as the performers took the stage. I wasn't really paying attention as I noticed something in the corner of my eye; To my sister's left, there was a dark room that I had never seen before. And what was even more puzzling, was that I saw a single white eye was staring back at me.
I looked around to see if anyone else had noticed it. "Any of you fuckers seeing this shit?" No one seemed to, however, one little bastard was more than ready to flip me the finger as the lion and his tamer started their act.
I decided to go check it out, I slowly got out of my chair and made my way into the darkened room.
Inside, I saw nothing but pitch blackness. I could only see a small light on the ceiling with a chain attached to it acting as a light switch. I stood on my tip-toes and pulled on it. The light was dim, but at least it was better than being in the dark.
"This is like some SAW or Hostile shit, isn't it?" I mused aloud, wondering if I should run or keep going to find some hot college chick about to be dismembered. Continuing down, I noticed I was in a long, narrow hallway. I laughed, because the description was nothing like my dick.
The walls of the hall had a few posters of toilets and their inventors who most certainly weren't alive anymore. I slowly began walking down the hall, studying the posters and their designs. As I ventured further in, the sounds of the children slowly died away, and it began getting eerily quiet.
"Oh fuck, this is either going to be the best opening for a orgy or the worst murder ever." I bemoaned as I continued, the wall leading me to what appeared to be storage for the performers. There was a couple limbless mannequins I eyed with extreme lust, now I just needed something to lube them up with and this night would be AWESOME.
Still, curiosity got the better of me. Plus I had like eight or so hours of juice flowing into my dick, shit could wait. As I continued deeper, I could see that singular eye once more, beckoning me into a single door at the end of the hallway.
I just stood there for a moment, and then I thought it would be best to get back to my sister before she noticed I was gone. Just as I was on my way out, I heard something. It sounded
A very faint music. None of the cool shit, one of those dusty ass orchestra pieces.
Still, someone could remix it into being bearable.
I steeled my nerves, creaking the door open just a bit to get a look of what was behind it. As I poked my head through, the music suddenly stopped. I don't know why, but it was pitch black, save for a low glow coming from the end of the room. I dared to step inside as my heartbeat sky-rocketed and not just from being obese this time. The music started up again as I inched closer, only this time, it was much louder than before.
What I saw sitting in the middle of the room, I know I'll never forget.
It was a tall, thin man sitting on a bench with his legs crossed, one ankle resting on top of the other leg's knee. He had his hands together, each hand's fingers going through the spaces of the other hand. He had on a brown-stained white tuxedo with a bow-tie and a rose pinned on it, and he wore very well-polished dress shoes.
Despite this man's very formal appearance, I noticed something very wrong with him. At first, I had thought it was just the poor lighting in the room. And then I had thought he was wearing some kind of mask that covered his whole head.
This man's head had the appearance......OF A ASS
It tried to talk, a foul stench emitting from somewhere between those cheeks, hitting me like the sack of shit it was.
Needless to say, I ran away like a little bitch. Not even stopping to court those fuckable mannequins I had seen. I ran and ran until I found my sister, collapsing onto her,a blubbering mass of man-boy and tears. Because let's be honest here, that shit was creepy.
It's been five years since that time, I've grown up a bit. Started a family, got myself a job....But that face still haunts me, especially when I know what it was doing in that room by itself, why it had that single white eye as it lured me into it's domain.
It was taking a crap, but not just any crap.
It was one of those white dog shits you find sometimes on the ground, it was dropping them around the circus.